Posted on April 30 2021

You say the word 2020, you get a sigh (or maybe a few expletives)... in return. What a mess it was!
As a mother of two, something that got to me most about Covid-19 is the struggle of people not being able to see and spend time with their loved ones. If you think about the amount of celebrations, events or family gatherings you would have in a year, and for the majority of that to be taken away from you, it breaks my heart! So many special milestones were missed!
I was fortunate enough to see my Mum on Mother’s Day. We opted to go for a nice walk, and I will be forever grateful for that, however there were so many that weren’t so lucky, especially with Mums that live interstate or in a Melburnian’s case, more than 5km away.
So what’s the purpose of Mother’s Day and what does it mean to you?
Mother’s Day was created in honour of motherhood, maternal bonds and what it means to be a mother. Across the world we celebrate mums who influence, inspire and love us unconditionally and perhaps give us the moment to appreciate all that they have done and do for us.
My mum has been my rock and inspiration through my childhood and now through my children. As a single working mum, I cannot stress enough how important her strength, kindness and support means to me. It was her that gave me the confidence to start My Little Silver, especially at a time while I was still working out how to parent solo. But then to launch and run a company too...and survive 2020?
Yup I did it...and I had the support of my family and some incredible special friends that got me through it. I always knew how important my inner circle was, and they became my life-line during the many months Melburbians spent in our lockdown.
2020 was a hard year...ridiculously hard.
It was a struggle for so many.
Businesses had to close their doors, some for good. People lost money, they lost a family member they could not say goodbye to, they lost a lifestyle that we were all too used to and now we are easing into the new COVID norm - it isn’t easy, especially for those of us who travel abroad to see family and conduct business. But we will get there….eventually.
The normal was homeschooling my two children (first lockdown), sitting out in our backyard for some fresh air and keeping my sanity while packing boxes of children’s jewellery for all you amazing people who came out to support small and shop online, in the absence of not being able to do a simple thing like shop in a store. It was bananas, it was a struggle for every single parent, and we survived!
Don’t ask me how I was able to work, home school, be in lock-down, shop for groceries, find toilet paper. It was a blur….a big blur. When I speak to fellow Mums they say the same things. It was hard yakka! But you know what, we did it!!
We got through the tantrums, the emotional rollercoasters, the homeschooling, finding essential items on the supermarket shelves (eventually)…and this year, I hope that you celebrate your amazing Mama selves AND your mums for supporting, encouraging and making it through the difficult times and celebrate Mother’s Day just how it should be celebrated…
With each other.
This is just one of the reasons I created the Mama+Me collection for My Little Silver. I didn’t only want to create jewellery for girls, but I had a vision to create beautiful sterling silver jewellery for mums to match with their daughters as well, especially our floating range where each disk is engravable; a keepsake piece that can embrace what it means to be a mum and share that special bond with your children.
For every mother out there, or someone playing the role of Mum in anyone’s life, the team at My Little Silver wish you a Happy Mother’s Day! We hope this year you are able to celebrate it in a special and beautiful way - together.
Ilana & the MLS Team xox