Posted on May 24 2022

Taking your girls to get their ears pierced is not normally a question of IF, but WHEN!
Children love showing off their newly pierced ears to their friends, and adding to their earring collection for special occasions and new stud looks for school. I still remember some of the earrings I wore as a child. Let’s just say, thank goodness my sense of style has improved significantly since then ;)
The question for most parents is, when is the best time to pierce my daughter's ears?
The answer is different for every parent, but sometimes we need a teeny bit of advice.
Here is my experience of when I recently took my daughter to FINALLY get her ears pierced.
The day that finally arrived!
It’s been a long and patient waiting game for my daughter, begging me since I launched My Little Silver (going on 5 years now), waiting to wear ‘mummy’s designer earrings’. Whilst she has been loving wearing our necklaces and bracelets, I felt she wasn’t quite ready for the responsibility of looking after her ears just yet.
Now that she is 9 years, I felt that she was most definitely ready to take responsibility for looking after her newly pierced ears. We made the decision together to set a goal for her to work towards…and once achieved we would book the appointment to get her ears pierced.
The next BIG decision was where do we go?
Piercing Needle or Piercing Gun?
Before taking her, I did some research into the pros and cons of using the Needle or Gun to pierce my daughter's ears.
When I personally went to get my ears pierced as a young teen, I had mine done at the local pharmacy, around the age of 12. While I didn’t have any problems with my ears being pierced with the gun, I remember my ear lobes stinging and the sound of the gun was loud and intense, plus they did one ear at a time, so you can imagine how that went. I was freaking out when they went to pierce my other ear. I remember the moment like it was yesterday!
Fast forward to being a Mum of a 9 year old, eager to get her ears pierced…
After doing a bit of research, and a lot procrastinating and goal setting, I settled on going to a specialised piercing technician that uses needles for piercing vs the gun, and arranged to have two technicians doing it at the same time.
Research revealed that needle piercings are slightly less painful, make no noise, are more sterile and minimise the chances of ears getting infected. Many Mums choose both options for their children and teens, but the piercing centres seemed to be a safer and more specialised place to get it done, so off we went to our local shopping centre: Chadstone, to a placed called Essential Beauty.
I will admit, I have a bit of a fear of needles, so I sat this one out in Essential Beauty's reception area. Thankfully, two minutes later, my daughter emerged with a massive smile, my BRAVE little girl! There was no evidence of any red on her ears….SUCCESS!!! (and relief LOL). The technicians gave her a teddy bear and were gushing at how brave and grown up my daughter was. I quietly thanked my gut instinct to stay in the reception area, in fear of freaking myself out, my daughter and the two technicians (no joke).
The Verdict?
Waiting that little bit longer to get her ears pierced was the best outcome for us. It was such a positive experience and seeing her face light up every time she looks in the mirror is a mother’s dream.
She took on the responsibility well, washing her hands before touching her ears, spraying them morning and night with the spray given to us and she followed all the After Care advice given to us from Essential Beauty.
First it was, “Mummy, when can I get my ears pierced?” when she turned 7 and all her classmates were getting their's done. Now the question is “Mummy, when can I wear My Little Silver earrings?”.
It is going to be a long 6-8 weeks to switch her into earrings of her choice… but the end result will be worth it seeing my daughter wear My Littler Silver earrings in her ears, that I designed for children just like her.
Changing Children's Newly Pierced Ears
Understanding the sensitivity of children’s ears was non-negotiable when designing My Little Silver children's earrings. It was a necessity to ensure our sterling silver earrings were lightweight, comfortable and made with the highest quality 925 sterling silver for sensitive little ears, with no nickel, lead or zinc.
Knowing that my daughter would one day want her ears pierced, My Little Silver children’s earrings were carefully tested vigorously to ensure there was no nasty green tarnish on skin, no droopy earlobes from heavy, non precious metals, and no sore/infected ears from uncomfortable and highly allergic materials.
All My Little Silver girl's earrings have a silicon backing on every design to keep the butterfly secure on her ears as she wears them (if you have never lost the backing to an earring, you are doing pretty good in life LOL).
My daughter was the inspiration behind My Little Silver children’s jewellery, and now that I get to see her grow up wearing the earrings I designed, it is honestly a dream come true.
What is right for you and your child?
My advice to any parent looking to get their daughter’s ears pierced is to do your research about what is going to work best for you and your child.
I recommend waiting until your daughter can take on the responsibility of caring for her ears on her own, for less risk of infection within the first 6 weeks. We also loved that she had a secret personal goal to work towards, and getting her ears pierced was a HUGE milestone reward.
Whatever age your girl gets her ears pierced, she will adore being able to switch and change styles and mix and match with her My Little Silver children and teen jewellery.
For inspiration on her next birthday gift or special reward gift, check out our range of children and teen earrings here. Or why not combine her next pair of earrings with one of My Little Silver's Bracelets or matching Necklaces?
With love,
Ilana and the My Little Silver team xo